Brown Ajah

An Ajah is a sub-organization within the Aes Sedai of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. The Brown Ajah is devoted to the study and collection of knowledge.



Unlike the other Ajahs, the Brown is headed not by a single woman but by a ruling council. The head of this council is known as the First Chair.[1] They are also the most knowledgeable Ajah when it comes to the Tower and lore of the One Power, although they are also generally knowledgeable in many subjects.


The Brown Ajah is devoted to the study and collection of knowledge. Brown sisters can often be found in the Great Library of the White Tower, which they administer, searching for new knowledge and subjects to study. While abroad, Browns frequently carry note and sketchbooks in which they document nearly everything they come across. They often lose touch with the rest of the world, leading most, including Moiraine Damodred, to believe that Browns are somewhat distant and naïve; one exception that proved the rule was Verin Mathwin, who had deep perception of current events. Certain members of the Brown Ajah are also permitted to know about the 13th repository, the secret library in Tar Valon. They act as librarians caring and maintaining the library and these sisters are the only ones other than Sitters, the Amyrlin and her Keeper and unofficially the Ajah heads who even know of its existence as knowing about it, is itself a crime unless one hold one of these positions.

Relations with other Ajahs

For the past few centuries the Brown Ajah have had some disagreements with the Blue, though they still share a positive working relationship and many Browns are part of the rebel Aes Sedai. Recently the Brown Ajah has put Min Farshaw’s viewings and Perrin Aybara’s status as a Wolfbrother under much scrutiny.

Notable members

Verin Mathwin

Other notable members


External links